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Warner Bros. Aims to Eliminate ‘HBO’ From ‘HBO Max’


Warner Bros. Aims to Eliminate ‘HBO’ From ‘HBO Max’

Warner intends for the streaming service to simply go by “Max.”

Throughout 2022, Warner Bros. Discovery has been actively reorganizing, reducing workforce, streamlining departments, and merging assets. All these efforts have been leading towards the integration of their owned streaming platforms, Discovery+ and HBO Max, into a unified entity. According to sources within the industry, the latest development in this process is quite straightforward: the branding.

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Individuals who are said to have knowledge about the situation shared with CNBC that Warner Bros. Discovery aims to combine all its streaming holdings under a single umbrella, HBO Max. As the platform would now encompass more than just HBO content, they are contemplating a name change to “Max.” The company’s legal team is currently reviewing the name, which is just one of the many options being considered internally.

Regardless of the final choice in naming, Warner Discovery plans to debut the amalgamated platform with full force in the Spring of 2023. “Ultimately, consolidating all content was the path we saw to make this a sustainable enterprise,” JB Perrette, president and CEO of global streaming and games at Warner Bros. Discovery, expressed earlier in the year. “The convergence of HBO Max and Discovery+ aims to reduce subscriber turnover so that “there’s something for every member of the household,” he elaborated.

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