Jada Smith States Will and Her Are Covertly Divorced
<>She says, “Why did Jada insist on hiding? The truth is, we’re secretly separated.”>
<>According to Jada, the rumors about Will are untrue. She just wants to clarify. Will is her partner.>
<>She also explains her reason. She said, “How could I be in a relationship and still be unhappy?”>
<>The situation is complicated, but Jada insists that Will understands. Will supports her decision.>
<>It seems like a messy situation. Jada wants to handle it privately. She prefers to keep everything low-key for now. If anyone asks, she will simply say, “I don’t know.”>
<>In the end, Jada emphasizes that she will always love Will. She hopes they can work things out in the future.>
<>“Why would I ever want to hurt him? We still have a deep connection.”>