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Influencer Whitney Paige Says She Was Banned From Twitter For Being ‘Too Attractive’

Image Source: Whitney Paige @ Instagram


Influencer Whitney Paige Says She Was Banned From Twitter For Being ‘Too Attractive’

Influencer Whitney Paige Venable garnered nearly 100,000 followers on Twitter throughout an eight-year span until she was abruptly suspended from the social media platform earlier this month. Venable asserts that her Twitter profile was eliminated after “envious women” reported her for being “too attractive.”

At 26, Venable suspects that a selfie in her undergarments incited such jealousy that she was ousted from the site.

“The suspension was a total surprise to me as I’d only utilized Twitter to post a few remarks about television shows I was following or to share images from my Instagram,” she expressed.

“One day, I updated my cover photo to a simple image of me highlighting my physique—but I was dressed in underwear,” the resident of Florida stated. “And without warning, my account was suspended. It made me feel unjustly targeted as there are much more explicit images on Twitter.”

Venable is convinced that if she “weren’t so attractive, the photo would have remained,” stating that “it’s unfair” that Twitter removed her account for being “too pretty.”

The influencer had to acquire a new phone and recreate her account from the beginning. “It’s not my fault that some individuals aren’t as attractive as I am,” she added.

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