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Egypt Welcomes Back Historic Coffin Cover


Egypt Welcomes Back Historic Coffin Cover

The renowned “Green Coffin” cover is being repatriated to its country of origin.

The numerous coffins from ancient Egypt are esteemed national treasures, celebrated for their elaborate craftsmanship and artwork. Regrettably, due to this very reason, these coffins or fragments of them are frequently plundered from Egyptian tombs and transported to other parts of the world.

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One distinguished item is the cover of the famed “Green Coffin,” named so for its distinct green hue. As stated by Ahmed Issa, Egypt’s minister of tourism and antiquities, this cover was stolen from Egypt some years ago and smuggled to the United States.

“The coffin is remarkably thick, which motivated robbers to take the lid without the base,” Mostafa Waziri of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities shared in a media briefing.

Nevertheless, this week, after an extensive inquiry and pursuit in collaboration with western authorities, Egyptian investigators have successfully retrieved the Green Coffin cover and are set to return it to its rightful place in Egypt.

“Our heartfelt gratitude to US authorities for their assistance in the return of this valuable artifact,” the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs conveyed via Twitter on Monday.

Per Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, antiquity investigators have managed to retrieve approximately 29,300 artifacts from smugglers operating globally over the past decade, with the Green Coffin cover being their most recent recovery.

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