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DeSantis Seeks Primary Authority Over Disney District


DeSantis Seeks Primary Authority Over Disney District

The governor of Florida is devising a strategy to assume command of Reedy Creek.

Recently, a bill was introduced by the Florida state government, with the support of Governor Ron DeSantis, aimed at divesting Disney of its control over the Reedy Creek Improvement District. This district, housing numerous Disney properties in the state, is currently under the governance of Disney, which covers expenses for services such as fire department operations and road maintenance. Although the specifics of Disney’s ownership of the district remain unclear, DeSantis is already outlining the government’s scheme to take charge.

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On Monday, DeSantis informed reporters, “Disney will no longer dictate its own governance within the realm of Florida. Disney will be obligated to adhere to the same regulations that all other businesses must comply with in the state. They will contribute their fair portion of taxes.”

Analysts and legislators have cautioned that assuming control of the district from Disney could burden its residents with a $1 billion debt. DeSantis brushed aside these concerns, asserting that Disney would bear the financial burden through increased taxes once its unique standing is revoked.

He stated, “It is more probable that the state will simply take charge and ensure that we can enforce the law and collect taxes.”

If the termination of Disney’s ownership of Reedy Creek is finalized, it is expected to come into effect around June 2023. Meanwhile, DeSantis plans to seek insights from new legislative leaders taking office following the November elections.

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