‘Black Mirror’ Set to Return for Its Sixth Installment
Debuting in the early 2010s, Black Mirror is a collection of stand-alone drama-thrillers, reminiscent of The Twilight Zone, that delve into themes such as unbridled technological advancement and dystopian worlds. Originally broadcast in the UK, the show transitioned to Netflix, where it gained immense popularity. With the conclusion of its fifth season three years ago, uncertainty loomed over its future, but it appears that another wave of existential unease is on the horizon.
A recent report from Variety reveals that a new season of Black Mirror is currently in the works and is scheduled to be available for streaming on Netflix soon. While details about the production are shrouded in secrecy, an undisclosed source hinted to Variety that viewers can anticipate a more grandiose and cinematic approach to the upcoming narratives.
Exciting News: Fresh Installment of ‘Black Mirror’ in Production for Netflix (EXCLUSIVE) https://t.co/cySnHaqkwL
— Variety (@Variety) May 16, 2022
In 2020, Charlie Brooker, the mastermind behind Black Mirror, voiced uncertainties regarding the show’s future, citing the tumultuous state of the world as a hindrance. Brooker shared with Radio Times magazine in the UK, “Currently, I’m unsure of the appetite for narratives depicting societal collapse, so I haven’t delved into that realm. Instead, I’m exploring my comedic abilities and crafting scripts that amuse me.” Despite Brooker’s reservations, the series persists, with the exact premiere date remaining a mystery.